3.Chakra- What is Solar Pleksus Chakra?

The solar chakra is one of the 7 types of chakras in the human body. Chakra, on the other hand, can be expressed as energy in the human body in its most general and short form. Solar chakra, which is the third type of chakra, is also called manipura. The meaning of the word Manipura is in the form of brilliant ore. Solar chakra; where people's self-confidence, identity and strength begin. The solar chakra represents the power center of the people. In other words, the solar energy that feeds people is assimilated with the solar chakra. The main function of the solar chakra is to provide energy and vitality to the body of the people. Among the chakra types, the type of chakra that affects the most organs is the solar chakra. Accordingly, people can be affected by the world around them. 

What to Know About Solar Chakra

There are some basic things to know about the solar chakra. It is possible to list these basic points as follows. 

  1. The color of the solar chakra is yellow. 
  2. The region of the solar chakra is located between the top of the navel hole and the breastbone. 
  3. The element of the solar chakra is fire.
  4. Solar chakra; he manages situations such as success, willpower, vital energy, ego, freedom and awareness. 
  5. The sensation of the solar chakra is the sense of sight. 
  6. Solar chakra; It affects areas such as pancreas, stomach, gall bladder, liver, intestine, abdomen, back, spine, digestive organs and diaphragm. 
  7. Foods that balance the solar chakra are starchy foods and yellow-colored foods. 
  8. Plants and oils that affect the solar chakra are peppermint, pine, juniper and lemongrass.

Effects of the Solar Chakra

In case the solar chakra is balanced, people can define themselves much more wise and determined. If the solar chakra, also called the warrior chakra, is balanced, the intelligence, self-confidence and determination feelings necessary to win the war occur. If the solar chakra works too much, people may feel unstable, greedy and angry. In addition, people may experience a lack of compassion and empathy. If the solar chakra works less than it should be, people may lose their power. This causes people to feel insecure, shy and indecisive. Accordingly, you should open your heart to compassion and love for the balance of the solar chakra.