2. Chakra - What is Sacral Chakra?

The sacral chakra is one of the types of chakras. Expressing what the chakra means before the sacral chakra will help you better understand the sacral chakra. Chakra refers to the energy contained in the human body. Accordingly, there are 7 different energy centers in the human body. The sacral chakra is one of the 7 energy centers in question. The sacral chakra is also known as svadhisthana. Svadhisthana can be translated into Turkish as pleasure zone. Because the word svad means pleasure, and the word dhisthana means region. The most important function of the sacral chakra is that it is based on the principle of pleasure. Sacral chakra; It is a type of chakra based on enthusiasm, creativity and emotionality. In addition, it is possible to state that the chakra is a chakra directly related to sexuality. With the sacral chakra, you can express your feelings much more comfortably and establish a much healthier communication with the people around you. Accordingly, it has a very important place for people to enjoy life. 

Basic Information About Sakral Chakra

  1. The element of the sacral chakra is water. 
  2. The color of the sacral chakra is orange. 
  3. The region where the sacral chakra is located can be expressed as the section where the belly button of the individuals is located and 2 fingers below. 
  4. The sacral chakra usually develops between the ages of 8 and 14. 
  5. Fluid consumption has an important role in balancing the sacral chakra. 
  6. The sense to which the sacral chakra is connected is the sense of taste. 
  7. The stone of the sacral chakra is aventurine, yellow citrine and quartz. 
  8. Plants and oils affecting the sacral chakra are palmarosa, cloves, sage and cinnamon.

Effect of the Sacral Chakra

As mentioned above, the most important effect of the sacral chakra is that it allows you to enjoy life and make you satisfied with what you have and to be satisfied with this situation. Apart from this, it is possible to state that the sacral chakra has a very important place in terms of sex. If the sacral chakra is balanced, people will feel much more fit and healthy. 

In cases where the sacral chakra works more than it should, it is possible to encounter health problems such as obesity and addiction. This minimizes the pleasure people take from life. In this direction, you should start to devote more time to yourself by paying attention to the points such as healthy eating and friendship with the right people in order to balance the sacral chakra.