1.Chakra - What is Root Chakra?

The root chakra is one of the 7 chakras in the human body. It is possible to translate the root chakra, also known as Muladhara, as root support into Turkish. Because the meaning of the word Mula is root, and the meaning of the word dhara is support. 

The most important role of the root chakra in the body is to establish the connection between the energy of the individual and the earth. This process performed by the root chakra is named as grounding. Individuals need to think about what they do to reach the root chakras and survive on earth when they want to think about it. In this way, individuals can access their root chakras. The root chakra is usually responsible for ensuring that people survive. For this reason, the root chakra, which is of vital importance, keeps people emotionally and financially safe. 

Basic Information About Root Chakra

There are basic information to know about the root chakra. It is possible to explain this information as follows. 

  1. The root chakra is located in the lower part of the spine. 
  2. The color of the root chakra is red. 
  3. The element of the root chakra is soil. 
  4. The symbol of the root chakra is a four-leaf red lotus flower. 
  5. Organ and glands controlled by the root chakra; teeth, adrenaline, feet, bladder, kidneys, blood circulation systems, ovaries, excretory system, prostate. 
  6. Stones that affect and balance the root chakra; red agate, ruby, hematite, coral, garnet, onyx, black tourmaline, smoky quartz and black obsidian. 
  7. Medicinal plants and oils that affect the root chakra are angel grass, patchouli, vetiver, ginger, elemic sandalwood, balm, clove, myrrh and rosewood. 

Effect of Root Chakra on the Body

As a result of the successful balancing of the root chakra, people feel much more free and successful in money, shelter and security. This is the biggest effect of the root chakra on the human body. In addition, if the root chakra works too much, people can become excited, nervous and anxious. Moreover, overwork of the root chakra causes women ovarian problems and men causes prostate problems. On the contrary, in cases where the root chakra works less, people can turn into people who often dream and have difficulty focusing.