5. Chakra - Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is one of the types of chakras in the human body. The throat chakra, also called Vishuddha, means purity. The throat chakra is a chakra that is related to the endocrine system and thyroid glands. The thyroid gland is a very important gland for people's growth and development. It regulates the metabolism in the body. Accordingly, it is possible to express that the throat chakra is responsible for the throat region, teeth, mouth, nose, ear and carotid arteries. In addition, the throat chakra can be called purity, as it draws its energy from the throat area. Apart from these, there are some points you should know about the throat chakra. So, what are these points?


Things to Know About the Throat Chakra

It is possible to explain what should be known about the throat chakra as follows.
1. The color of the throat chakra is blue.
2. The region where the throat chakra is located is the collarbone and the part between the eyes. In other words, there are throat chakras in areas such as mouth, teeth and throat.
3. The psychological balance problem occurs in the throat chakra.
4. The throat chakra ensures that energy flows occur regularly.
5. The throat chakra has a serious effect on mental and physical health.
6. Medicinal plants and oils affecting the throat chakra are myrtle, tea tree, laurel and eucalyptus.


Effect of the Throat Chakra

The throat chakra has many effects on the body. In case the throat chakra is balanced, conversations are provided in a loving and kind manner. Accordingly, it is possible to understand that the throat chakra is not balanced if a person has difficulties in explaining himself when he / she will speak. In cases where the throat chakra is balanced, people can make their speech flawlessly. In cases where the throat chakra works hard, people may face some problems in making their voices heard. You may feel that the people around you do not hear you during the conversation. This situation affects people negatively. It is possible to encounter problems such as throat infection, sore throat and ulcer in cases where throat chakra works hard.