What is aromatherapy?
Aromatherapy; It refers to the use of various oils obtained by distilling plants from leaves, roots and flowers to be protected or treated against diseases. In fact, the origin of aromatherapy is pretty old. In this context, it is possible to say that Ibn Sina talked about the picture of the plant distillation device and the password of the plants years ago. In addition, we can say that plants were often used in ancient times based on this information. These plants we are talking about are widely used today. It is possible to get rid of various diseases with the option called alternative medicine. So, under which conditions aromatherapy treatment is done? Let's examine all together.
Usage Areas of Aromatherapy Treatment
It is not possible to limit the usage areas of aromatherapy treatment. It provides the use of aromatherapy treatment in many diseases and problems, from the understanding of the common cold to the solution of various skin problems. Plants used in the treatment of many diseases vary according to the disease. Because every plant has its own benefits and properties. In this regard, lavender, jasmine, tea tree, almond, coconut, rose, sage, anise, juniper, clove, pine, bergamot, bay, basil, grapefruit, orange, pelargonium, kangaroo, black pepper, lemon, mint, tangerine, balm We can say plants such as eucalyptus, chamomile, fennel, cedar, cypress and ginger.
In this case, the first question that people think of is whether aromatherapy is for everyone. Well, is aromatherapy for everyone? We can explain the answer to this question in detail.
Can Aromatherapy Be Applied To Everyone?
It is wrong to say that aromatherapy can be applied to everyone. For example, some plants should not be used during pregnancy. In addition, we can say that not every plant will show the expected benefit in children. Many children can benefit from the unique code of aromatherapy and herbs. Problems such as attention deficit, acne, ringworm, joint pain, eczema, constipation, anxiety disorder, fungus, burn, gas problem are treated with aromatherapy treatment. However, the most important factor at this point is the dose of the plants used. Plant essences that are used more than they should be can cause serious problems. You should definitely pay attention to the amount of plants used in this use and you should not use more than it should be.